True Stories....

My Life, On & Offline

Monday, September 19, 2005

My Life on the "E" List

My Tivo (aka DVR) is full. I’ve been so busy traveling, work, and just doing stuff around town that I have not had a chance to clean out the god-forsaken Tivo machine. I guess that is a good thing, considering that if I watched THAT much TV, I’d be a blimp with a can of Pringles in one hand and a tub of Ben & Jerry’s in the other…(I do love that Chunky Monkey). BUT, my favorite time to catch up on television are those lazy Sundays or rainy days (which rarely happen in PHX). One of the shows I Tivo”ed” was Kathy Griffin: My Life on The D List. Every so often television produces a gem of a show that gets little or no exposure. As reality shows go, this one was actually entertaining to watch. I laughed my butt off at the witty humor and impromptu situations that Kathy and friends find themselves in. Yes, it’s heavy on the “gay” thing (it’s on Bravo for god sakes!) but it does it in a way that is both tasteful and funny. I just crack up when you see Kathy’s super-fans….usually some wacko gay guy who brings her gifts of scented candles and spa products. Quite weird if you ask me. Anyway, I was totally hooked on the show only to find out it was only a 6 episode installment. My Luck.

Ever wonder what list your on? A,B,C, Double Z, it’s amazing how we classify ourselves on lists. From high school, college, at work, and in social circles we always classify people in groups or cliques or even “lists”. “Oh that’s a “A-List” party….did you get invited?” Amazing isn’t it? So I pose the question: “What list are you on?” Now, think about this… person’s A could be another person’s D.

Today at work, I had a manager accept a resignation from an employee….only to have the employee rescind the resignation 4 hours later. What would you do? Well, if the employee was that stupid to resign without thinking it through….then my advice was to not hire her back. And let me tell you, she was stupid….not to mention bitchy. Never bite the hand that feeds you. Ah, the joys of working in Human Resources. I do love my job…it’s never boring, and could give me a ton of material if I ever wanted to be a stand-up comic.


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