True Stories....

My Life, On & Offline

Monday, January 23, 2006

Oh (NO) Canada!

Leave it to the crazy right-wingers to potentially screw up a beautiful and inclusive country like our neighbors to the North. It appears that the conservative party is taking control of the government of Canada. Albeit, the current liberal government is speckled with scandal, but yet knowing that Canadian rights are at risk now is a crying shame.

I’ve always loved Canada. I used to travel to Toronto all the time when I lived in Cleveland. It was a quick 4-hour drive and made for great roadtrips. I’d spend wonderful weekends up in that great city and marvel at the gay scene on Church Street. I always found the people up there to be incredibly friendly. It really is a beautiful country. (Not to mention most of the men are way hot….must be something in the water…) Unfortunately, due to a couple people screwing things up with the Liberal Party, the Conservatives have moved in like a pack of wolves to a heard of sheep. Now, things like a woman’s right to choose, handgun law, and gay marriage are all at risk. (Hmmm....sounds strangely like a country I live in....odd...isn't it? Hmmm...)

Now, I’m no expert on Canadian politics, and I do not claim to be, but from what I read, it is a sad day in Canada. I’ve read a lot of sites:,, to get a holistic view on the state of affairs. All of those news sites give the same message: “Improved relations with the United States.” Um, excuse me, but aren’t we getting along pretty good, considering every other country HATES US!!?? It’s a sad day when another country has to please another country (via it's own elections) to keep good relations.

Whatever the outcome will be, I hope that the social progress that Canada has made will not take a reverse direction. Canada will survive, as most of the people are cultured, inclusive, proud, and educated. (Except for the people who voted otherwise.)


  • At 10:30 PM , Blogger potusol said...

    I had no idea that we needed to improve our relations with Canada until I read that today. But after reading about the scandals over the past couple of years I'm not surprised that the conservative party was able to gain control. Let's hope all the progress they've been able to make won't slip away.

  • At 7:58 AM , Blogger Adam said...

    I don't get the "improved relations with the US" stance either. We have the longest unprotected and peaceful border in the history of the world. We coexist with our Canadian bretheren just fine, I don't see what there is to improve on. Its neo-con code language for "Bow To Bush" and "lets continue to allow the US not to live up to its promises that it made when it signed NAFTA."

  • At 1:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear, dear Ed... Im not one to judge anyone or anything for that matter by such a thing as territorial divide. In my humble basic opinion, Americans are an amazing bunch of people and Canadians are an awfully friendly bunch.. in an ideal world, there should not be a need for someone to do something to get into another's good books.. are relationships not cultivated naturally.. anything done otherwise is just plain superficial..

    Oooh on another level.. i have indeed heard about this book of dating everyone who asks u out.. i found it most hilarious cos i have done it for years and should have blogged about it, huh!! ;)

    Yay!! Tim is moving to Phoenix.. Im too happy for you!! I bet you will not blog this weekend, you.. ok I'll stop teasing you for now Ed... have a great week and magnificent weekend.. i wink and i blink and i wink some more..

    Big Hugs
    Elle xo

  • At 8:43 AM , Blogger VeryApeAZ said...

    I guess I should put my emigration plans on hold.

  • At 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It is just the governments of Canada and the US that dealing with tension. Everyone else is getting along fine. You will notice that Canadians aren't becoming suicide bombers or insurgents.

    And just to assure all of your readers, the Conservative government was only elected as a minority and does not have enough seats to change any piece of legislation on its own. It's the impending election in the next months that has us concerned.

  • At 12:17 AM , Blogger Krupo said...

    Too tired to bother dredging up what the problems were as cited up here, aside from the fact that the lumber industry in the US has been ragging on our lumber industry for getting its product for, what they consider, too cheap a price. It stems from the different regimes the US and Canada have for lumber stumpage fees and other things which can end up sounding like dreadful double entendres.

    And I find it supremely ironic that in some areas, the Liberals lost support to the Conservatives among, well, conservative voters. In urban areas, the change in #'s, meant that the NDP (our left-wing/socialist party) ended up beating the Liberals. So the conservative voters ended up allowing the left-wing party beat up the centrist party. Amusing.

    I've given up on our three major political parties and am sticking with the Greens, in case anyone cares.


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