One of Those Days...
You ever have one of those days where, everything and everyone just frustrates the living hell out of you? Well, I am having one of those days. I’m not much for public venting, but I figure it’s time to let you all know of a couple things that freak’n piss me off. I like to consider myself a very upbeat, positive and forward thinking person, so this is rather uncharacteristic of me. So here’s a couple things that frustrate the hell out of me:
• Annoying and whinny people. Ok, sure, we all have situations in life that are bad. And, ok, sure, we all like to bitch now and then (like right now for me), but there comes a point when you just have to GET OVER IT. But what really pisses me off, is when I have to do someone else’s job, when they should have been doing it in the first place. And then, they take credit for it. If you want to really piss me off, this would be the way to do it professionally. I am only thankful that my boss saw this as well.
• The Bush Administration. What the fuck are these people thinking? I swear the cities of Toronto and Vancouver never looked so good. This newly ultra-conservative nomination (Alito) is just another shining example of the complete disconnect the Bushies have with the MAJORITY of America. The only glimmer of hope is the slow, but steady stream of indictments of Delay, Libby, and hopefully Frist, Santorum and Cheney. I just cannot believe how out of touch these people are and how much the hateful religious right has influence over them.
• Fatal Flaw and Flaky Guys. Ok, here we go again. If you are going to make a date with me, please keep it. And if you are going to cancel, please give me the courtesy of calling me and letting me know you are going to cancel. This seems to be a theme lately on the dating scene. As for the Fatal Flaw part, where are the guys who don’t have strings attached, or some other crazy flaw? Hey, we’re not all perfect, but I’m coming across some guys with some MAJOR issues, that quite frankly, scare me. Example: No Job, No Car, No idea where the hell they are cause they are screwed up on drugs, No concept of normality…the list goes on. We all have flaws….but when it comes to fatal flaws…well…I’m not interested. This is getting me a little depressed. Where the hell is the romance? I need to be swept off my feet…not under the carpet.
• Women Drivers. God, I KNOW I am going to piss a lot of people off by saying this, but, why the hell do they get a discount on insurance? I had 3, yes, THREE women cut me off today while driving. One was on a cell phone, the other was putting on makeup in her rear-view mirror, and the other was just a dumb blonde in a Hummer H2. Yea, I was pissed. Bitch.
• Halloween At Work. I love Halloween just as much as the next guy. But at work, it gets a little out of hand. People just don’t think when they do “drag” at work….and bad drag at that. Also, all rules of decency do not apply when you come as Pamela Anderson Lee with boobs the size of basketballs. I’m not being cranky on this, but if I have to tell one more person that what they wore to work is a little inappropriate, I’m going to go insane. (Although, I have to admit…very creative costumes….just not at work).
So there’s a couple of things that pissed me off today. Not a complete list, mind you. Gosh, I feel so much better! I think I will make myself feel even better today by eating the pumpkin pie I made last night….from scratch. Of course, I’ll feel guilty and go straight to the gym to work it off. Almost done with the Al Franken book…and it’s a good one! Definitely a great read. Looking forward to this weekend. Going up to Colorado Springs for 4 days and hopefully will be going to the Colorado Sand Dunes. I’ll definitely take some pictures as long as my Cybershot hold up. Until then…….